Category Archives: Transmissions

These are simulations of communications being sent back to Earth from The Artifact. They show some game ideas that GMs can use to seed adventures.

Fighting In The Camp

Scim woman fighter Web

Report by: Captain Jason Grisonti

Position: CO, Victor Company

Assigned Objective: Protection of allies acting on or near the surface.

Purpose of Mission: To defend allied forces in the region.

Progress Report: While allied were conducting offensive maneuvers away from their home base, our position came under attack by Chezbah forces. Victor company performed well but suffered ten percent losses. Enemy forces consisted of several hundred Hounds, a dozen or more Warriors and four enemy E-Suits.

Our initial strategy of staying hidden outside of the allied camp seems to have paid off. Enemy forces appeared unaware of our presence at first. This may have led them to attack with a smaller force and were not ready for our E-Suits and tanks.

However, we were not able to detect the enemies movement until they were very close to the allied camp and some of the fighting occurred in the camp where our missiles and tank guns could not be used without endangering allies.

Even without their main fighting forces present, several of the allied civilians put up a good deal of resistance to the Chezbah forces as they entered the camp.

Intelligence says that the enemy is regrouping and will advance on our position soon. We will fall back to a secondary position that will have to remain undisclosed as of this message in case of interception.

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Filed under Military, Transmissions

Getting Progress Going Again

A lot of the progress that went into 3rd edition came from me musing about RPGs on the blog here. The problem that I have now is that I don’t specifically need ideas, I need pictures. I’ve thought about posting pictures on the blog here but I don’t think just posting pictures would be terribly interesting.

The deadline of posting once a day or even once a week gave me a good excuse to keep pushing forward even when I didn’t particularly feel inspired. I liked that, even if I didn’t use everything I wrote about, it still helped me refine a lot of ideas that in a round about way found their ways into the game. So how can I do that with pictures?

The answer has been staring me in the face. I originally started up the blog as a way of introducing some story elements of the game. The posts were supposed to be messages sent back to earth and were being leaked to the public. I called these posts “Transmissions”. I’ve done a few more here and there recently as in the post just before this one. Now I think I should do something similar to what I’ve been doing over on Steampunkfitters. Each picture I post will be part of a Transmissions entry, so each picture will have a story associated with it.

That’s kind of simple in retrospect but it’s something that’s stymied me for a bit now. I may post other kinds of posts in between, but for at least the next year, I’m going to post one Transmission post with an accompanying picture every Wednesday.

Time to get painting.

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Filed under Admin, News, Transmissions

The Anatomy of A Warp

To: Dr. Jacob Grenwich, Director of ASO Science Studies

From: Dr. Evan Larrs, Science Anomalies Supervisor

This message is classified TOP SECRET

Site 13-A has delivered some incredible insights. The localized effects that we have come to describe as “Warps” are what would at first seem to be violations of the properties of common matter but when examined, they peel back layers of reality so that we might peer deeper into the bedrock of the universe.

Interpretations of our findings are still ongoing but our best hypothesis at the moment is that the anomalies in spacetime and even the apparent breach of the conservation of energy that are being generated by changes to the matter in ways we previously didn’t conceive.

Many theories in physics leave open the possibility that there are more dimensions than we classically perceive. In the case of super string theory, these extra dimensions are required to make equations work. The warps seem to prove the existence of these extra dimensions.

For clarification we are not referring to multiverses here, although our research does not exclude the possibility of their existence. In our holographic universe we perceive two dimensions as our four (x, y, z, and time), while other dimensions would at first seem out of reach of our experience. In the warps, we are able to experience the effects of matter moving and in many cases not moving in these dimensions.

Einstein established the speed of light in a vacuum as the universal speed limit. It is our opinion now that matter and light are moving in these extra dimensions at the speed of light or C as we will refer to it.

Because of this, we have discovered that all particles exist in and are moving through some of these extra dimensions at C.

This movement has certain effects. In one such dimension which we will label U for upsilon, matter moves in one direction at the speed of light. Dark energy appears to be moving in the opposite direction. Light appears to not move in U at all. When this movement is combined with a movement in time, it produces the effect of gravity while mass is created by the Higgs particles.

You might think of it this way, if matter is traveling right to left, dark energy is traveling left to right along U. Light appears to have little or no velocity by itself and so appears massless when it is in fact without it’s own gravity. Upsilon however is not analogous to gravity. Gravity is an emergent phenomenon that stems from matter moving slower through time and movement along U.

In the same way, many mysterious effects also appear as combinations of motion in these unperceived dimensions such as inertia. So far it appears that a movement along U and a movement along what we have called Tau or T produce the effect of inertia.

Just as light can be slowed down or even stopped by interfering with it’s motion, matter can apparently be effected in the same way along the dimensions such as U and T, either slowing it down, stopping it or possibly even reversing it’s direction.

From our calculations, this may explain one of the great mysteries of the big bang. Why is there not an equivalent amount of antimatter to matter in the universe? It would appear to be because much of the antimatter was launched in the opposite direction in time. The two would never meet chronologically and therefore never interact and annihilate each other.

If there are indeed 6 extra dimensions as calculated in superstring theory, this would give rise to forty six thousand six hundred and fifty six (46,656) different movement combinations that could give rise to different forces. As movement through time seems to also effect these other motions, there may instead be two hundred and seventy nine thousand nine hundred and thirty six (279,936) emergent properties that this movement could account for. We have only identified a small number of these and have only been able to test for five.

Whatever The Artifact is or was, it’s creators knew what these effects are and how to manipulate them. This is a subject of unprecedented importance that will require all the resources we can put behind it.

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Filed under Civilian, Transmissions

Actual Play Report; Game Master’s Behaving Badly

We had our third game, if you want to start at the beginning, the first session is here. The second is here.

So I have to admit I was a bad GM this game. I didn’t adapt properly to my players actions. I also didn’t have a backup plan. This game I tried to do type of game that I love when it goes right but only occasionally get to go right.

The game went really well until the second half when I failed.

We left off with the PCs in a dome gallery in a cave. A large, ornately carved rock stood slightly off center of the room. The tracks of the scout they were following named Habibe, went up to the rock and then to the center of the room with no trace of where he had gone to.

Enedger walked to the spot Habibe’s footprints ended and stood there waiting for something to happen. When nothing happened, he looked around the room to see if he could notice anything from this perspective. He looked at the large stone and got the impression that if it fell toward him it would land at his feet, right where Habibe had disappeared.

He walked over to the stone and tried to push it over but it wouldn’t budge. He started to look at the stone and found a section that looked like ten raised bumps in an upward facing triangle were actually little disks floating a hairsbreadth away from the stone. A downward facing set of ten bumps directly above it were actually carved into the rock.

I brought out a paper plate with ten pennies in formation and a drawing of the opposing bumps above it. One penny on top then a row of two then a row of three then a row of four forming a triangle pointing up.

Being a boy, his first instinct was to try and kick the disks away. A few of the disks would move and then slide back into their formation. He then tried a rock and a bigger rock. The disks would move and then pull back to formation supposedly with a powerful magnetic field.

That’s when Kagami decided to start investigating and discovered that the disks could be moved three at a time and would move up to several inches away but then snapped back into place. Any three could be moved, but only three at a time.

Enedger then looked at the downward facing formation and flipped the arrow of ten disks by only moving three of them. (Can you do that? I’ll have to try this out on my older gaming group. An eleven year old figured out the rules and a nine year old figured out the moves.)

The side of the rock facing the center of the room then opened and the door hinged down like a drawbridge to form a platform that ended at the center of the room. Inside were a set of stairs going down.

Enedger went down with his pistol drawn and Kagami followed. Laying on the stairs was Habibe. Weakly he said, “Oh good, you made it here. One guard will always lie and one will always tell the truth. The one that lies will kill you if you ask him to let you pass. The one that tells the truth will let you pass. I guessed wrong.” Then he handed them his notes and died. He had been shot by a plasma blast on the right side.

Kagami looked at the notes. They were all in Arabic which neither of them could read.

The drawbridge started to close. Both the PCs made a reflex roll that allowed them to escape before it closed but they debated what to do so long that it closed and they were trapped inside.

Enedger examined Habibe trying to see from which direction he was shot and determined that he must have tried to run away when hit. This meant he couldn’t be sure from which direction he was hit.

Both very carefully walked the rest of the way down the stairs and into a hallway (3m tall 5m wide). Thirty meters down the hallway was darkness that Kagami’s night vision goggles couldn’t see through and Enedger’s sonic imager wouldn’t form an image on. They moved forward very slowly.

At ten meters the darkness slowly dissipated and the PCs could see the guards were Kerdi. (The darkness is a side effect of their shields absorbing energy.)

This is where things went wrong. I hadn’t given enough conditions and hadn’t done enough prep work to be thoroughly versed in how the guards should respond although I knew the conditions existed. The second thing I did wrong was pick a puzzle that was too hard. I figured my eleven year old might be able to figure it out, we read all the Sherlock Holmes books together and likes mysteries, she’s also a prolific reader so I thought she may have heard of this riddle before.

In any event, I didn’t have a back up plan and the players were getting frustrated. Bad GM.

Experimental Ideas For Fixing This
I’m thinking that this kind of log jam could be handled by the technobable monster but I’d like to keep some element of player challenge.

My son and I talked about this and one of the problems is that you don’t want the players to just hit a puzzle and each time say “I take an IQ roll”. That’s boring. Past that is if they fail, they just take another roll. One of the things my son suggested is that you only get one roll to try and get help solving a puzzle. If you want to roll again, you have to take a mental stress point. That’s not a bad start.

Then I thought of something else that would work quite well with the Fraction Column system. If a player passes their IQ roll, the GM has to make it a multiple choice question. Start with eight or so choices, each one close to the real answer. The more fractional successes the PCs get, the more wrong choices are removed. If the player rolls their eighth four choices are removed. They can roll as many times as they like, they just take stress when they roll over.

I explained how the logic problem worked so that they would be less mad at me, they still liked the game, they just thought the guards were annoying. So I can’t do the multiple choice option for this one but I’ll keep it under my hat for future games. It also would be less practical for large groups. I’m going to try the technobable monster on this and see if they have fun with it. If it’s fun then it’s still good. If it’s boring I might be able to improve on the method but I’ll let you know either way.

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Filed under Experimental Mechanics, Transmissions

Actual Play Report; A Short Game

We had another session with the kids the other day, it was getting late so we just did a quick session. The first session is here.

Our two intrepid adventurers had found the person they were looking for but he apparently didn’t want to be found. Enedger figured out where they were in relation to where he had left his E-Suit. They were in a bowl like landform and he had to climb out. Enedger is quite good at climbing and so even though there was a ten meter cliff in between him and his E-Suit he scaled it in only two turns.

Kagami tried hiding as she approached Habibe’s location, failing her rolls horribly. This in fact was not a very bad thing as Habibe was not interested in hurting them, he just doesn’t want to be followed. Having Kagami close on his position made him rush and drop a few items that would serve as clues. Of course Kagami didn’t notice them because she failed her rolls again.

Habibe ran into a cave, but on investigating there were really three caves that he could have run into and he had gone in and out of the caves for some time so Kagami was not able to track and figure out which one he had just went into (ie failed her roll for tracking).

Enedger came back in his E-Suit and rolled his 1/8th and got his advantage for sensors so he was able to pick up that Habibe had camped here because there was the remnants of a fire that was cooling. He was also able to pick up a small object near the fire and because he had rolled so ridiculously well, also could pick up the faint heat and sound of Habibe and which cave he had gone down.

The two investigated the camp and found several papers and a metal disk about 5cm in diameter. The papers were in Arabic which neither could read but there were some maps that Habibe had drawn that gave the rough layout of the three caves and one had a point marked out in the valley of the Kerdi.

The map of the cave Habibe went down did not show an outlet anywhere. They debated what to do about not letting him double back on them and escape. They thought about making a trap where a rock would fall on him, but Kagami decided that wasn’t a good idea because they didn’t want to kill him. Eventually Enedger decided he would have his E-Suit sit on the mouth of the cave. He could tell it to get up if they needed to get out.

They entered the cave and did some climbing down into deep pits, Kagami had to rest occasionally one because of more bad rolls and she’s not quite as strong as Enedger.

Finnally they came to a large underground gallery (room). Just off center was a large stone and when they investigated it found it was full of Kelrath carvings. Again, neither can read Kelrath so they have no idea what it all means. Kagami looked for tracks and found that Habibe had walked up to this stone and then walked directly to the center of the gallery where his footprints mysteriously end.

Thats where we left off. Next game will be interesting because I’m going to be throwing in a few classic logic puzzles.

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Filed under Transmissions

Actual Play Report; Two Firsts In One Game

Yesterday was pretty special, I GMed a game of The Artifact with two completely new situations. The first one was we used only 3rd edition rules and characters. The second was that it was just my kids playing and it turned out really cool. They’ve sat in on games and had characters but this was the first time there was no one else to coach them along with what they should be doing.

The setting, a great rift where the underground structure has collapsed for hundreds of Kilometers. The rubble has formed a valley. Several landmarks in the valley include Reshrone Rochbareeth, the great stone of the Rochbareeth, a colony of Pteranodon like animals. The cave of voices on the edge of a region that’s covered in caves of various sizes. The Great Kelrath Quarry, an area that the Kelrath used a thousand years ago to mine for materials to build their cities. The Valley of the Zah, an ancient garbage dump where bacteria are still breaking down the chemicals left over from the Kelrath and a great mat of Zah (eatable bugs) are feasting on the bacteria. Finally, the Valley of the Kerdi, a forbidden area that the Kerdi defend but no one knows why.

The two players have their characters, one a Scimrahn E-Suit pilot named Enedger and the other an I-CA scout named Kagami. They are traveling with the Dreech tribe, a group of Carriers. The tribe uses this area to rest and has several safe houses hidden in the terrain. An I-CA platoon is assigned to the Dreech to help them. While resupplying, one of the other I-CA scouts named Habibe has gone missing and our two characters are sent to go out and retrieve him.

The two head off in Habibe’s last known direction and the E-Suit picked up a small object giving off a small amount of heat. They investigate and find out it’s an I-CA microdrone that Habibe must have launched. Kagami quickly figured out that it had run out of power and crashed and was probably flying in a straight line. They could follow it’s flight path back and track him.

Finding his footsteps they followed them to the mouth of a cave. The E-Suit’s sonar could hear faint sounds in the cave. This was a great chance to use 3e’s Survival Challenges and it all went really well. Enedeger considered just letting Kagami go in alone and he would wait outside but must have gotten bored with that idea because he locked his E-Suit and followed her in. There was a pit they had to jump over, a gallery of rocks that they got lost in, an underground stream that they swam through, and then a larger pit they had to climb around. They came to a squeeze in the tunnel that they had to disassemble their large gear and squeeze through. Neither was sure about this part of the cave and they considered doubling back but the physical stress was starting to make it too hard for Kagami to keep going and the two rested for several hours.

Squeezing through the tunnel Enedger panicked and had to double back. Kagami squeezed through and came face to face with a Gunthar (1.5 meter tall dinosaur like creature). It attacked her but she avoided its attack and then took out a knife and rolled her 1/8th which allowed her to stab it under the chin where its armored skin was weak. In one stab she had taken it down and had dinner.

Here the cave opened back up to the rift valley. Enedger finally was able to push through the pinch in the cave  and the two emerged only to be greeted by a warning shot and someone calling “Don’t follow me.” which Kagami figured out was Habibe.

We stopped there for the night. The kids had fun and I did too. I’m planning the next session and will post when we play again.

I found a few omissions and errors along the way and marked them for correction but otherwise the survival rules worked really solidly. It was also cool to see the fraction column rules come into play and work the way they did. The kids got real excited when they got a good roll. It was a great game all around, simple but with just enough challenge making it interesting.


Filed under News, Survival RPG, Transmissions


We’re lost. The Eric’s laptop got smashed in a cave in and that had our mainframe map in it. Please stop giving him so much explosives, he uses way too much. I only have this I-CA communicator and I can barely figure out the functions, the manual is all in Chinese and I don’t know what language the other ones are, maybe Arabic. That means that even if you send us another map I won’t know how to use it or even if it can be used on this thing.

There’s supposed to be a Scimrahn tribe camped out for the next week somewhere around here but we’ve been searching for days. Eric’s truck is running out of fuel and my S-15 is starting to get a nasty wobble in the chassis. I told you I didn’t want anymore company refurbished equipment. At least get a Scimrahn repairman to show those guy’s how to fix these things.

I need the network jockeys to look around and see if the Scimrahn are sending any messages out. I know they don’t usually, but we’re not near any Chezbah, they might feel safe. It’s the only way I can think of to find them. I don’t think we can make it out of here unless we find them.

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Filed under Civilian, Transmissions

The Loyal One

This adventure can be for any group of player characters but is not well suited for a beginning characters.


The PCs are on a recon patrol of a remote area in Kelrath territory. They are helping establish the location of a base in the region by finding out where the Kelrath travel. They need to travel quietly and not alert any Kelrath patrols to their whereabouts in the process. The characters are equipped to be out on this area for several weeks.

The Favor

As the PCs are doing their recon, they find ample sign of Kelrath presence. Some roads are well used and occasionally it will seem that they have just missed actually encountering Kelrath traveling through the area. The need is for an area that the Kelrath do not use so the characters need to move on to fresh territory. After a day’s travel, with no let up on the signs of Kelrath presence the PCs need to find a place to camp. Somewhere undercover would be good. If there is a Scimrahn in the group they might be helpful in recommending a good place to sleep.

The players should decide ultimately where to stay the night but if they’re not coming up with ideas offer the following.

Staying out in the open would be dangerous, somewhere hidden would be preferable.

Tunnels in the floor could be used but they only leave two options for escape if discovered.

Camping out on a conveyor can be done but may cut off escape options. It’s better than a tunnel.

Camping in the buildings of a residential hex is possible but sometimes the buildings are crumbling.

Hiding inside the Hosent of industry hexes is an option but may have the same problem as the res hex buildings.

The character’s should have someone stand guard while the others rest. If there is a vehicle, leaving it’s sensors on to passively monitor may be a good idea. Have each player roll for their characters to see if they stay awake. They can use either their Con or Psy to pass this roll and the Iron Will skill if they have it.

If any fall asleep then a message arrives while they are sleeping. If no one falls asleep it can arrive on the last watch. It is a written message and it is sent by someone in the area close to the PCs. In very broken english it says “You are found but useful to me. Do what I say and you leave here safe. Stay here two days. Do not leave or I hunt you.”

The players will have to decide what they will do with this information. If a Communications Officer examines the transmission, a successful radio skill roll will reveal that the signal was sent by a Kelrath radio. If a quarter or eighth column is rolled, the Comm Officer will recognize that the signal was sent by a low power system that was very close to where the PCs are. Possibly only 200 meters away.

If the players do not decide to stay, go to The Hunt.

If the players decide to stay, in ten hours a single Kelrath Gijorn will walk directly towards the location the players are in but at 10 meters away, will put a piece of paper on the ground and walk away. If the PCs try to call out to him as he approaches, the Gijorn will put the paper on the ground and immediately walk away. He will not speak to the PCs (he cannot speak english at all). The note will say the following. “My loyal one is coming. You take him home and go in peace. He is not safe here. He come one more day.” Again figuring out what to do with this information is up to the players. If they do not listen go to the hunt.

The Hunt

The messages are being sent by a high ranking Gijorn. He is the equivalent of a general. At the moment there are ten Rall 4s in the region, several groups of 20 Geetin and the general in his Enhanced Variant Rall 3 (see The Fringe sourcebook for stats). If the players do not follow the instructions the whole force will be mobilized to track them down. One Rall 4 is within 30 Km. Others are farther away. Even if the characters can outrun the Ralls, there are more in any given direction that can intercept them. How many is up to the GM.

The Ralls have orders to detain the PCs not to harm them, much. The harder the PCs push the harder the Gijorn in the Ralls will push back. They don’t need all of the PCs, just one with a vehicle would be preferred.

The Act

Once the two days have passed, either because of the PCs volunteering to wait or because they are detained by the Ralls and Geetin, they will eventually see the Enhanced Rall 3 and a wheeled vehicle approaching. As it does, the Rall 3 will power up it’s shields. Through the loudspeaker, the pilot of the Rall 3 will say in english “You want my loyal one? You can not have him! I will defeat you!”

If there is an E-suit or tank in the group the Rall 3 will go up to it and start to punch at it (punches pass through shields). If there is no E-Suit or tank the pilot will exit the Rall with full Gjorn Armor on and declare “I do not need machine to beat you! I beat you with hands only!” and start boxing the largest PC.

This is an act. It is done with the Scimrahn so that observers will see some kind of a fight. The Gijorn will really fight but will not use any weapons unless punching is clearly ineffective. The more the PCs act like they are being hurt the more the Gijorn will let up. If the players try to use weapons, the Gijorn will do his best to disarm them but if that is not possible he will use the Rall 3s Plasma guns (which he can command remotely if needed), a knife or a Plasma Sphere depending on the situation. He will try to make it clear to the PCs that he is only there to fight with one of the PCs and the rest must watch. He may fire the Rall 3s weapons in between him and the other PCs if needed.

A turn or two into this staged fight, either by laser communication or by whispering it, the Rall 3 pilot will tell his opponent, “You steal him now, tell your friends.” He may say this several times. He means for other PCs in the party to break into the wheeled vehicle and take the occupant hostage. If the PCs aren’t getting the idea he will try again and again to indicate this is what they are supposed to do but only with limited english. If the PCs say anything about this over radio or out loud so that others can hear, the Rall 3 Pilot will proclaim that they will be defeated.

If at any time the PCs beat the Rall 3 Pilot, the remaining Rall 4s in the region (which have been closing in on the PCs) will attack.

Rall 3 Pilot

Full 1/2 1/4 1/8
CON 60 30 15 8
STR 50 25 13 7
AGI 70 45 23 12
REF 60 30 15 8
DEX 60 30 15 8
BTY 30 15 8 4
CHA 70 45 23 12
INT 50 25 13 7
IQ 60 30 15 8
PSY 60 30 15 8
HP 20

Once the PCs break into the wheeled vehicle (use the stats for an ASO transport) they will find an elderly Geetin in Geetin Armor. He will go with the PCs but will tell them “Make it look good” in Kelrath. Once the PCs have the Geetin, the Rall 3 Pilot will shout “No I will stop you!” but not make any other adjustments to his strategy he may even ease up. If the PCs use the Geetin as a hostage he will stop and declare that he and his men will leave if the PCs promise to not hurt the Geetin, refering to him as “My loyal one” in english.

The idea is for the PCs to escape with the Geetin. The Rall 4s will not attack as long as they have the Geetin and he is safe.


The Geetin has been an advisor to the Gijorn for many years. Recently he had to protect his master from an embarrassment which meant the death sentence for the Geetin. Because of his loyalty the Gijorn sent him out on one last task before his execution. The last task was where the PC’s intercepted and took him. The Geetin explains that they must leave and get away from the area or the General will not be able to protect them any longer.

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Filed under Civilian, Military, Transmissions

The Arc Loc

This isn’t a starter adventure like the other’s that have been posted. It would work for I-CA or ASO. It’s best for groups with scientists and engineers but even an all combat team would be justifiable.


The characters are brought in and briefed on an unusual occurrence. Nearly every teleporter on the planet has been getting wormhole communications from a unknown source for the last week. The protocol that is being used to initiate the communication is ASO but it’s been altered slightly. There are tiny communication glitches. The message is a “ready to receive” message from a teleporter. However there is no live operator response on the other end. (There’s no engineer there to answer the call.)

The communication is disrupting teleporter’s availability. Command wants to send a team to teleport to the source and find out what is going on. They don’t know if this is a enemy trap or a technical malfunction. It should not be possible for a single teleporter station to store all the wormhole coordinates on the planet. Even teleporters that have moved are still being contacted which should not be possible.

Because this may be a trap, the players are able to request up to three times their normal equipment. E-Suit pilots are permitted to take two optional weapon systems.

The characters have to wait until the rogue signal contacts their teleporter again. Briefly describe the boredom of waiting. They have to be on the teleporter to be ready. Offer the characters one XP worth of a skill that could be learned while on the teleporter pad.

It’s up to the GM if they want to say the PCs are the only ones that are looking to be sent, or if there are hundreds of other teams that are also waiting and the PCs just happen to be the ones sent.

So the signal eventually comes in and the PCs are teleported out.

Scene 1 – The Warehouse

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Filed under Military, Transmissions

In The Dark of Night – I-CA Startup Game

Beginning I-CA characters are teleported from Earth to the outskirts of Gadios but teleported to a colony that is being constructed. The colony is starting a food supply in an agri hex but they will be dependent on the teleporter for months. They also have work of gathering materials for construction projects and are trying to get Hosent up and running for manufacturing. To do all this they need a civilian leader, the India faction of the group has insisted on a democratically elected governor for the settlement to coordinate the projects. There are slightly less than four thousand settlers and some Scimrahn. There are two platoons assigned to the camp.


The colony is brand new and is only a tent city. There is razor wire strung along the perimeter to keep out animals. The whole setup is very basic and the colonists are making improvements every day. The lights are cycled on and off for day and night.

Give the characters appropriate responsibilities as they arrive. If the players are footsoldiers or pilots they could be stationed as police and guards etc. Scouts could be sent out to survey the local area or look for Hosent that may have parts they need. Scientists and Engineers may be employed in the agriculture or the manufacturing process. Comm Officers can be busy coordinating the garrison. However don’t spend a lot of time discussing the particulars of their jobs, they are mundane. If a player wants to get into their daily tasks describe them and then repeat it every day.

While the players are doing their jobs they hear of the heated election between four factions in the colony from casual gossip. Give them a little information at a time and let them ask for more. The India faction is united around one candidate named Daruka and so is the China faction on their candidate named Geming. These are the two major factions but it seems that the Indian candidate will win as there are more colonist from India in this settlement. There is also a coalition faction from the arab countries and a very small Korean faction that may just end up supporting the China faction but they are split on a few issues that they are holding out on. If the Korean faction joins the Chinese faction the race will be very close.

The election is to be held in two weeks. The players will have little to do with it other than learn about it, so don’t spend a lot of time on it after they get the basic idea.

Scene 1 – An Abduction

The action starts when Daruka and his wife go missing. The players are new so they wouldn’t likely be heading the investigation but they should be involved in it. Scientists and medics are especially useful at this stage.

Daruka’s tent shows obvious signs of struggle there are even small drops of blood found around the tent. If the players make a Int roll they will see that two bodies (obviously Daruka and his wife) were dragged away. Tracking is very difficult because of all the people that have gathered around the tent already and so any attempt at tracking gets a 80% Impairment. If the player does make the roll they can follow the drag marks toward the edge of the settlement but the marks are quickly erased as they go along a heavily walked path at the perimeter of the settlement.

The India faction immediately blames the China faction for Daruka’s disappearance and hostility becomes very high. If there are footsoldier players, they will be called in to police the settlers and might have to break up fights in the streets.

Scene 2 – Chaos Spreads

Over the next few nights there are more people taken from the camp in the same way. Most are Indian but some are Chinese. Two are taken each night for the first two nights. The GM can break up the ethnicity of the victims as is desired. The players should have the same chance for tracking with each victim.

If one of the players is an Engineer or has Structural Recognition they have a chance to notice that the razor wire perimeter has been modified so that it can be opened and closed by simply pushing on a section of it. A Int roll with a 40% Impairment will notice some blood by the razor wire here and a simple Intuition roll will notice wheelbarrow traffic away from the camp.

The players can now either repair the fence, follow the wheelbarrow tracks or set up a stake out to watch the fence. They may also come up with any number of other courses of action.

If they repair the fence or set up a stake out, the abductions happen in a different section of camp. On investigation they find the fence altered similarly.

If they follow the wheelbarrow tracks they find a pile of human manure around the corner of a small doorway just out of sight of the camp. If the players investigate by waiting by the pile they will find that a chinese colonist has been hauling manure from the latrines here. He knows about the break in the fence and says that there are many of them that the colonist made to more easily move in and out of the camp. He says he has noticed that some of the fences were opened in the mornings and just assumed someone was sloppy about closing them.

In the meantime the camp is erupting into chaos and policing work is becoming more and more difficult. Violence is becoming worse and worse as retribution killings start to take place on the third day. However the colonist organize their own armed garrisons and begin guarding at night. There are accusations that the military are trying to influence the elections.

Scene 3 – Monsters!

On the fourth night, an Egyptian man is found crying out in the street, bloody and badly injured. He is babbling about some kind of monsters that got into his tent and dragged him away. He is badly wounded in his head arms and legs by some kind of animal bites. A scientist with a biology roll will be able to find that the teeth marks are from an animal that is about the size of a dog but the teeth marks are more like that of a sharks teeth. The head wounds are likely why the previous victims did not cry out at night. The animal makes a killing bite crushing the skull and then drags the victim off. If the players consult a knowledgeable Scimrahn in the camp, he will name the animal as Seeter. Only reveal this if the players ask for the help of the Scimrahn.

At this point a scout arrives and reports that he is seeing movement all over in the next hex but he his having difficulty seeing what it is. If they players go out in vehicles to investigate they will find hundreds of Seeters moving toward the camp. The hex is a dark Residential Hex. They are spread out in and around the buildings and some of them are in adjoining hexes. This is a Seeter migration to their nesting grounds they spread out to better find food. The group is far larger than the average swarm as many swarms have joined together on the trip. There are near two thousand Seeter. The last few nights have only been the advanced scouts. At the sight or sound of a vehicle they will hide in buildings if they are nearby. The players should have plenty of chances to kill a few Seeter here and there but soon realize they are very close to the settlement already.

Not all the colonist are in the razor wire perimeter. Many are out farming and many are working on Hosent. If the players spend too much time killing Seeter these will be the first to be attacked without warning and there will be many casualties. It’s up to the GM to decide wether or not to warn the players of this or let them make the mistake of taking too much time before reporting back.

If the Seeters get to the camp en mass they will frenzy and charge the fence. Many will get stuck in the razor wire but more will charge over them and into the camp. The colonists should actually be able to make a stand against the Seeter inside the fence since they have already started a garrison.

Evacuating the colonist by teleporter is not an option as it is too slow.

It may be useful to the GM to have infantry rules for the Seeter and the colonists or the GM can play it by ear. There are no starting Agility modifiers for either the Colonists or the Seeter so start their Modifier Hits/Act at zero. Tracer rounds are distributed to the platoons. If the players help out the colonists by giving them help picking targets and coordinating them the group of one hundred the player is helping gets modifiers based on the player’s rolls. The player character rolls to hit normally and the Fraction Column is noted as this will decide the bonus to the colonists. Then the player makes a Charisma roll plus their Command skill if the character has it. If the Command roll passes, then follow the chart below for a Modifier Hits/Act for the colonists.

Fail Full 1/2 1/4 1/8
-15 +10 +15 +20 +30

Nearly 60% of the colonists are capable of fighting. That leaves 2400 Colonists to fight and two I-CA Platoons.

Colonists 24 groups of 100
Psy 20
AR 0
HP 1000
Act 100
Speed 5 Km/h

Act/Turn Weapon
100/Turn Shotgun

Modifier Hits/Act
+80 1/1
+20:+70 1/2
+10 1/3
0 1/4
-10 1/5
-20 0

Seeter 40 groups of 50

50 Seeter
Psy 30
AR 0
HP 450
Act 200
Speed 20 Km/h

Act/Turn Weapon
50/Turn Bite
150/Turn Claw

Claw or Bite
Modifier Hits/Act
+60 1/1
+50:0 1/2
-10 1/3
-20 1/4
-30 0

Vehicles like tanks and E-suits have mixed effectiveness because the Seeter are spread over a wide area. Each artillery attack from these vehicles will kill 1D10 Seeters.

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Filed under Civilian, Military, Transmissions