Working For The Chezbah

Sometimes not getting things done right away is a good thing. I think I’m going to change how I approached the last sourcebook for The Artifact. There’s a lot of seemingly random elements that I’ve put into the book, each hints at something but I think in a final sourcebook it’s time to end the hints. I think it’s time to show where things are going. To that end, I’m going to accelerate a process that I envisioned taking longer. The Ken-Telex incursions were going to start slowly and be mostly a concern for the Chezbah. Later on they were going to ramp up but they were going to be a footnote for this sourcebook. Now I’m thinking that should be accelerated and change the focus of the book to the increasing rate of the invasion.

The Chezbah are a closed society and that works for a menace, they seem like arrogant bullies. My players that know where the timeline is heading don’t see the Chezbah like that. The Ken-Telex are just part of the reason players have changed their minds.

They are such a threat, that the Chezbah might give a pass to anyone that helps fight them. I’m not just talking “We’ll let you go for now.” I’m saying that if a person says they’ll fight the Ken-Telex, the Chezbah will give them harbor and supplies.

I imagine that some earthers may leave their military commissions and fight with the Chezbah.

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